Water Colors


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Gallery 1

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sand painting: BOUNTIFUL TEMPLE

BOUNTIFUL TEMPLE BY HINA GAUTHIER transfering the drawing from the tracing paper to the polyphane paper The autumn colors were obtained for sands collected from New-Zealand, Florida and Polynesia. The foreground is finished.  The green pine tree peaking behind the arches turned out great. I stsrted to work on the double arches and the shadows… Continue reading sand painting: BOUNTIFUL TEMPLE

Categorized as Sand Art


  Maeva was not born yet, but I wanted to do something for her , a painting that when she looked at it, she would recognize some of her “fetii” or family members.  Vaite, her mom, is there, before she was pregnant and after, her dad Jake is present too, both of them with their… Continue reading MAEVA’S PAINTING

Categorized as Studio

PORTRAITS. sand paintings

It seems that all the portraits I have done are in the medium “sand”.  So here it is… My first attempt at a family portrait.  Done in 2006, I painted Hans and his wife, then, and Jaden, the baby.  It is a little crud, simple details, which at the time, was really hard for me to do. … Continue reading PORTRAITS. sand paintings

Categorized as Sand Art

Sand Painting: Le URU de Tahiti

This sand painting is framed in a 20 x 24  inch gold frame and the  sand painting itself is 11 x 14 inch. Done in 2007 by Hina Gauthier. Walking through the Papeete market, looking at the wonderful craft, it looks like I am not the only one who thinks that the uru is a great source of inspiration. … Continue reading Sand Painting: Le URU de Tahiti

Categorized as Sand Art

Le Trou Souffleur

The story behind this painting. For a while I was looking for something that would inspire me to paint.  I had been looking in the many files of pictures that I have, pictures taken from our 3 recent trips to Tahiti.  Fresh in my mind were the sharp vivid colors from the pacific islands with… Continue reading Le Trou Souffleur

Categorized as Studio