PORTRAITS. sand paintings

It seems that all the portraits I have done are in the medium “sand”.  So here it is… My first attempt at a family portrait.  Done in 2006, I painted Hans and his wife, then, and Jaden, the baby.  It is a little crud, simple details, which at the time, was really hard for me to do. … Continue reading PORTRAITS. sand paintings

Categorized as Sand Art

Sand Painting: Le URU de Tahiti

This sand painting is framed in a 20 x 24  inch gold frame and the  sand painting itself is 11 x 14 inch. Done in 2007 by Hina Gauthier. Walking through the Papeete market, looking at the wonderful craft, it looks like I am not the only one who thinks that the uru is a great source of inspiration. … Continue reading Sand Painting: Le URU de Tahiti

Categorized as Sand Art

Le Trou Souffleur

The story behind this painting. For a while I was looking for something that would inspire me to paint.  I had been looking in the many files of pictures that I have, pictures taken from our 3 recent trips to Tahiti.  Fresh in my mind were the sharp vivid colors from the pacific islands with… Continue reading Le Trou Souffleur

Categorized as Studio